Feb 28, 2009
Don't Forget Mother this year...

Feb 17, 2009
Easter Bunny is coming...

St Patty's Day Note Cards
KISS I'M...Irish Note Card

off green card stock surface syamped with black dye-based ink,
'KISS ME...I'M Irish!'
Click here to purchase this card.
Feb 13, 2009
the History of Valentine's Day and that start of the Valentine's Day Card...

So now the question remains, who is St Valentine?
The Catholic Church recognizes 3 different saints named Valentine or Valentinus. One was a priest in
The most commonly know Valentine is that of St. Valentine who was imprisoned and fell in love with a girl, who is believed to be the his jailers daughter who visited him during his confinement. History has it the he wrote her a letter before his death which he signed, ‘From your Valentine’, an expression still used today.
Some believe that Valentine’s Day is celebrated mid-February to commemorate the anniversary of St. Valentine’s death, about 270 A.D. Ancient Rome considered February the official beginning of spring and considered it a time of purification. Roman priest would gather in a sacred cave where infants their names in an urn and the city’s bachelors would choose a name from the urn and become paired for the year. These matches often ended in marriage.
Approximately 85% off all valentines are purchased by women. Valentine’s Day is also celebrated in
Moving On Up… To the East Side!
Though I have not jumped out of the roof with sales, I have made great ground coverage with exposure.
One day, as I always do, I was in the forum section of Etsy.com’s Business Topics. I found a thread where one seller had seen their sales rise due to a press release in their local newspaper. I was amazed by it personally, not because I don’t think that seller was worthy but because hey that’s FREE advertising! So I contacted that seller and asked for a little assistance on how my press release should be look, feel and sound. After a day I finally got mines down on paper. My next step was to find out who to send it to. When I called my local newspaper, The Journal News, I was shocked to get an email and phone call reply that said, “We are interested in doing a story piece on you and your cards, please let us know when you are available…”
You can image how shocked I was. I was siked…
Long story short I contacted them back and a few days later they were at my home and 2 after that I was in the ‘Life & Styles’ section of the paper plus had a small piece on their blog. I was totally happy with just that, even if nothing else happened this year. It’s not everyday a small-small business man gets a 2 page piece in the paper and not making a $100,000 a year. *That article brought in a few sales and an email from the local news station, News 12, editor/producer. Now that’s when I hit the roof, because I thought maybe the next I would be struck by lighting. I mean like so many goods things at one time…It was weird for me. They said they wanted to do a piece on me for Valentine’s Day. Of course I said heck yeah…Well the next week Tuesday, February 10 they came to my home and later that night I was on the 10 to 1030 pm slot, with a few other local shops but I was there and so were my cards. It was amazing and such a joy to know I was getting the exposure I so desperately needed and felt I deserved. *I have not gotten any orders from that yet but I am hopeful.
My point here is that no matter as long you try, be patient and work hard, things will happen. My new motto, which is old but I changed the meaning, is P.U.S.H. ‘Push Until Something Happens’ you have to keep pushing yourself and never quit on yourself, because if you quit on you then you can’t expect anyone else to stand by your side while you sit around feeling down and out.
Feb 8, 2009
80's Theme Party Invitations
Her hubby was into break dancing, loves the 80's and sported a jeri curl...

You know like ol' skool graffiti
when an artist signed his/her name they would add
this small paper/scroll in the bottom corner...

Feb 5, 2009
Valetines Day is coming....

New Gift Card Idea...

Pink Flowers and Butterfly's Birthday Card and Headband. This and other sets like it can be purchased only from Handcrafted by LaMar's on-line boutique...
Headband: Callidoras
Card: Handcrafted by LaMar