May 31, 2008

And the May Giveaway winners are...

(Drum Roll)

First I would like to thank everyone for entering my FREE Card in May Give-a-way!
As this is my first time doing this type of give-a-way I have mentioned that I will select two(2) winners.

And with that said,

'the winners of this months FREE Card give-a-way are...'

Beatblack -Sarah (sarahnorton1[@] who has won:

'Violet Lime Green Birthday Card'

by saying, "The Violet Lime Green Birthday Card is my favorite. The colours are so bold and just jumped out at me. Its the perdiest one :)"

and our second winner...

Pinkerddog- who has won:

Gone Fishing Fathers Day Card

by saying, "I love the Gone Fishin card, and it might get my charming persnickety FIL to stop grumbling for 5 minutes."

Again I want to Thank You all for entering this give-a-way and keep your eyes open for next months give-a-way, June 16, where 2 more lucky bloggers will be announced as a winner...
And remember the best way to touch a person is by giving them a card that says you care and love!

Help me change social expression and behavior through a card one day at a time!

May 21, 2008

The Measure of Success!

I was sitting in front my computer screen trying to figure out what to post on my lonely blog and then it came to me:

'How does one Measure their Success?'
Well for me, I try to sell my cards in as many areas as possible. I have played on the Ebay circuit, did 1 Craft Show and currently sell my goods on I have also sold many cards off line to friends and family. But I sat back and estimated a guess of what I may or may not have made thus far selling my cards compared to what I have spent to make them. And the verdict was...I sure was spending much more then I made! Plus I forgot the shipping and shipping packaging.

But still all and all I found or belive that I have had great success because on my Etsy Shop-'Handcrafted by LaMar' I have had a lot of visitors (158 hearts) and items with 128 views...
Plus the feedback from customers like this one:

5/21/2008 Gale10 says:
"Totally gorgeous card, very very happy with it,
would recommend this seller to all! I will return!"

So for me, I measure my success in the appreciation of my work. By the amounts of people who find themselves admiring my work and the positive feedback from all my great customers.
The best advertisement I was once told was, a great quality product that will speak in volumes...So this I try to bring to the table everyday its time to craft!

What about you? How do you Measure your Success?

May 17, 2008

Buy from the Blog and SAVE!

Hey you guys I have signed up with R.M.E. (revolution Money exchange), the newest fad in online payment gateway. A while ago I posted a promo for anyone interested in buying from my blog will save BIG!

Well nothing has changed.

If you see a card you like posted in the side bar or in either of shops (Etsy or Ecrater) I am setting an exclusive price here and now for you. All single cards bought from here using R.M.E. are $3.00 which include shipping and all card sets (not including invitations/SALE items) are $6.00 which also includes shipping.

Unfortunately due to the cost of making/production, Diaper Cakes are not for sale here but if you do decide to use R.M.E. to purchase a Diaper Cake, you can automatically subtract $5.00 from the total listed price in the above mentioned shops.

You can find the R.M.E. link in my side bar which should link you directly to me. In the Product/shipping info section please put, 'Crafted by Hand', name of the item you (personal preprinted inside message if one is desired) and also do not forget to include the ship to address.

If there is any problem with the service or you have any questions you can leave a comment or email me at

May 16, 2008

Free Give-a-way in May!

This give-a-way will only be held and conducted here on this blog spot site once a month and is exclusive to only the cards in my shop (sorry the Diaper Cakes, invitations and card sets are not included). No purchase is necessary to win, simply go to Handcrafted by LaMar and take a look around, then come back here.

The rules, conditions and regulations:
-You will be invited to browse one of my shops (
-You will see all my items and find that one special item that you feel you would just love to have FREE of ALL COST!
-You will then come back to this post and leave a comment, your comment is your entry. Only one comment per person, duplicate entries will be discarded.
-Your comment should include, your name and a way to reach you should you win (don't be Anonymous!) and the name of your favorite item in the shop or the URL to it.
-2 winners will be picked per month.

The contest ends Friday, May 30 at 11:59 pm. The winner will be chosen by random.

May 10, 2008

Dadprenuers! Part 1

Hey everyone!
I have been blogging for awhile though I have not shown love to my blog in a few days, I read an article today that made think then re-think my current position.

First off I am a 30 year old black male from Queens, New York now currently living in Nyack, New York with a beautiful girlfriend (I hope to be engaged to by end of the year) and a wonderful son named Zion (check my post 'Business Partners!'). I do have 3 other children from previous relationships that live in different states and I love them all the same!

My name? La-Mar D Lynch. I was laid off from work in October 2007 as a production manager for Jackie Rogers a well known American Model (1 of the first for Channel in the 50's) and had temp jobs afterwards, but one day I said, "I don't want to work for another person, I think its time I take my talent, skills, hobby and craft to a level that works for me. So I buckled down while waiting for another temp position to open up and began to make new cards with a new look and passion. I already registered with a site (like Ebay) called Etsy and decided to show my stuff.
Like all things in my life the first few days were nerve wrecking but then sales came knocking at my door. This got my juices flowing and I knew this was the way.

My girlfriend, who was a stay at home mom when I was working, got herself a great position as a teacher-education does pay-and that was another sign telling me this is gonna work for now.

I had no job and was very bad with money and didn't know where to start when just a few days or month before we struggled to pay rent I filed for unemployment. After this and with the few quick sales that I had made in the beginning of the year, I was eager to get out there more, knowing that the internet was a gateway to so many people worldwide I knew I had to make more of a stand, so I did more research and found many people say, 'cold calling is the way'! So I went back online and searched for all card shops within good traveling distance of where I lived. I spent weeks calling and pitching these handcrafted cards to stores. I was so pumped thinking that I was on my way to accomplishing the best dream ever...but all dreams are (at times) are dreams! I was rejected and refused by so many stores I felt my heart sink low into my chest and before I knew it I was no longer making calls. At first I felt, this is worthless because if people who buy cards use the internet but only buy cards from stores this is going to be a long battle.

I began think again and again what did I learn working in corporate America?
What do other businesses do?
What am I going to do?

So I did what always made me calm and concentrate...I made new cards! (laugh)

Then as I searched out new styles and designs by other company's, to be sure I did not follow their pattern, I found a network of people...people who had the same thing in mind as me,To take their craft, skill and talent to the next level.

So I joined a group or team. Etsy Artist of Color! This was a group of people worldwide who made things by hand and sold them on Etsy, at craft shows, fairs,festivals and other sites and places. This seemed to make me feel at ease.

With so many ideas bouncing around in my head I felt this group could help me focus at some how some way get closer to achieving my dream.

Since joining the group my sales improved (a little) but felt the urgency to go out and make my sales in the streets. I also have done promos with them and other people. This later got me to other groups and other networks.

I did a show once in Brooklyn, New York, and at the show there was a guest speaker who said, "Your Network is your Net Worth!"

That got me thinking more so I joined even more groups, to network and spread the word...Well the word was spread but the sales remained slow. Now today I read an article about stay at home dads who either work from home, have and run their own home-based businesses. The article made me look at my situation and realize I do have at the least another year before I dump this dream, but it also made me realize that I am not alone... There are dads all over doing the same thing.

I just wonder sometimes is it worth it?

You know being a man and this being my first real year of business (making money from it, no matter how small), there are things you like to do! Like vacation with the children, buying gifts for my future wife while at the same time not being a burden. I want to quit and get back to the 9-5 rat race. Life is hard right now with the economy doing jumping jacks and not just regular crimes-robbery, killings and what have you-but the crimes against mankind and the hard working people of America. But no matter what I cant shake this dream and really want to say by the time I am 39, "Hey it was worth it!" But will I be able to say that if I cant make it financially now with children, an apartment and the need to eat to survive? Besides, if I do go back to the rat race of a 9-5 job, gas prices are so high, it be better I stay home and dream!

But to all the dads out there doing it:
I say Thank You for the hope and PLEASE keep doing what you are doing!

This is not over yet...There is more to be said but I would love to hear from you on this part.